One Size Fits Most (OSFM or birth-to-potty) modern cloth nappies are really popular as they allow the one nappy to fit a child through all their growth stages. It is important to get the right fit for each stage, though.
One Size Nappy Fitting Tips
- One Size nappies usually have a lot of elastic in the leg, and just by stretching the leg elastic out before pulling it up between your baby's legs, will automatically give you a snugger fit (especially for skinny legged babies) and a longer rise (so you may end up on a shorter rise setting). Watch out with pocket nappies especially, that you grab just the shell of the nappy to pull - if you try pulling on the insert inside as well, the elastic will not stretch as far as the baby's weight is holding the insert down.
- When you pull the front of the nappy up between the legs, don't let the leg elastic settle across the thighs, instead, try fitting the nappy so the leg elastic falls in the leg crease instead.
Changing the Fit as your Child Grows
Keep in mind is that how the nappy fits will change as your child grows. Most newborns start off with a 'Harry Highpants' fashion look and end as 'hipster' toddlers!
Newborn: The front of the nappy will usually sit above the belly button and a One Size nappy will be at its bulkiest. Smallest rise setting.
Pre-Crawling: Bub's thighs are pretty much the chubbiest they will ever be. The nappy is on the middle (or one of the middle) rise settings and is sitting below the belly button. It sometimes seems like your baby is growing out of their nappies.
Crawler: Still on one of the middle rise settings and sitting below the belly button, but as bubs becomes more active, the thighs and tummy start to trim down.
Walker: As your baby gets taller (and usually slimmer), the nappy starts to sit lower on the waist, below the belly. The nappy may be on the highest rise setting, though many children are on a middle rise setting until toilet training.
The Dirty Diaper Laundry article has some great photos showing the fit at each stage.